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Integrated pollution prevention and control


On 1 January 2003 Act No. 76/2002 Coll., on Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control, on the Integrated Pollution Register and on amendment to some laws came into force.

This act was amended by Acts No. 521/2002 Coll., No. 437/2004 Coll., No. 695/2004 Coll., No. 444/2005 Coll. and No. 222/2006 Coll.

A specimen and content of an application for granting an integrated permit is stipulated by Decree No. 554/2002 Coll. The system of the information exchange on the best available techniques is regulated by Government Order No. 63/2003 Coll.

Inasmuch as the act has gone through a whole number of partial amendments, the full wording of the Act on the Integrated Prevention was published in the Collection of Laws (chapter 140, year 2006).

An output of the process is the integrated permit, without which it is not possible after 30 October 2007, in the same way as in the other European Union countries, to operate any installation belonging under Annex No. 1 of the Act on IPPC, without being exposed to sanctions.

The main objective of the integrated permit is protection of the environment as a whole. With issuance of the integrated permit, partial decisions stipulating the conditions in the area of water management, waste management, emissions in the air..., are substituted with one integrated decision.

At present, the European Commission published a proposal of an amendment to Directive on Industrial Emissions (IPPC)  - COM (2007) 844 final.

Links to the web sites related to IPPC:

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